Easter Bunny Visited Looney Foodie

Oh the Easter Bunny, or Peter Cottontail, came to the Looney Household! Yes let’s just suspend disbelief for a sec

The Easter Bunny himself visited the Looney Foodie premises on Easter morning and our Easter cam caught him just before he made the Easter goodies appear.

It’s amazing that he can magically visit so many homes but it’s that Easter magic that allows him to do so, and so quickly.

The Easter Bunny must be doing some weird time compression of the time continuum or something which is like super science but to him it’s just his magic or something.

These legendary creatures are known to use such methods, which is a necessity when carrying out such a labor of pure love for so many children who celebrate their holiday.

Or maybe it’s just the magic that happens when so many pure loving, innocent, and believing beings in the form of human children cast the blanket of believability out into the world for that whimsical time around certain holidays.

I don’t know for sure because as an adult a lot of that pure believing left me long ago. There’s hints and shadows of it here and there but every so often a glimmer of it arises like the orange sun of hope over the morning horizon.

Yes, fellow foodies, it’s there, and magic is real.

Just open your heart to it, even just a few times a year.

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